This information includes device-specific identifiers and information such as IP address, information about cookies, mobile device and ad ID, browser version, operating system type and version, mobile network information, device settings, and software data.. If you are not listed in section 14 in your country, we may add or remove features or features without notice, introduce new restrictions on the Services or suspend a Service temporarily or permanently, or stop.
AAA applies arbitration arbitration in disputes under these terms, unless you are a person and use the services for personal or household use.
We do not sell, license or share information individually identifies our customers with companies, organizations or individuals outside of the company unless one of the following conditions applies.. In this case, the consumer arbitration rules apply to AAA (with the exception of rules or procedures that govern or allow collective action).. If you are using apps, websites, or other third-party products In connection with our services, they may collect information about your activities in accordance with their own terms and conditions.. These paid services are subject to the additional terms you agree when you sign up for the paid service and these terms.. If the contract for the use of services under these circumstances is considered a consumer contract under the Japanese consumer contract law, therefore, any of the exceptions and limitations 9 of these terms do not apply in section for you as debt for obligations oath intentional or grossly negligent conduct.
If you sign up for a paid service, you need to enter a payment method and provide accurate billing and payment information, and you still committed to keeping it updated.. Pre-commercial background: Attorney General, Attorney General, HuntleyPark Senior Attorney for Ada County Highway District Attorney for Honorable Robert G. 5ebbf469cd